Original Hardware--Hip, Handcrafted Silver Jewelry Designs's Fan Box
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A New Year, a New Life....
release the familiar and seemingly
secure, to embrace the new.
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security
in the adventurous and exciting,
for in movement there is life,
and in change there is power."
--Alan Cohen
What an incredible year. A year of challenge and tears; of toil and trauma; of beauty and joy; of true blessings and happiness.
I can honestly say when I look back on this last year, it has been one of the most transformative in my life--and the big changes that have been looming for months aren't even here yet!
I have learned a great deal about myself this past year.
I have learned that I am stronger than I think; more talented that I realized; and more blessed than I ever knew. I have learned who my true friends are, and aren't.
I have learned that I absolutely love what I do, and I am going to try my damnest to build a career and business out of it. I have learned that I am a gift from the universe, and I have so many gifts to give back to her!
On this New Year's Eve, I look to the future with promise and anticipation, even if it's a bit scary to look out past the horizon and not know what's there.
In my mind's eye, I see-- way out in the distance-- a soothing creek migrating its way out of the lush foothills that will comfort me when I am tired and a soft spot to put my feet when I need to stop and take a breath. I see my friends and family waiting for me, like loyal soldiers ready to accompany me on a weary journey. I see my little boy smiling a mile wide, waiting for me to play hide and seek with him amidst the trees in the thick, green forest.
I am ready, future. I am ready for your steady hand.
I am ready.
Monday, December 14, 2009
So you are going to be a Featured Seller? An Inside Look into What I Did!
--Lotus Sutra
I'd been a member of Etsy for almost a year when I got the convo in my Inbox from Etsy Admin that started out with, "We think your work is awesome, and we'd love for you to be a Featured Seller!"
I couldn't believe what I had just read, and yet I was not surprised because I had seen it in my head. Since I had joined Etsy, it was a big dream of mine to be a Featured Seller. And everyday I visualized it happening and how I would handle it; what I would do if I were selected. I sent out positive thoughts and worked on my shop; redid my branding, upgraded my collateral and packaging, focused seriously on my product photos and descriptions. And so when the call came as they say, I was ready.
I am sure that many other Etsians visualize this very thing happening to them, too. But when it happened to me, I knew I wanted to take full advantage of it. Fortunately, I had two months to prepare myself for the Nov. 11-13th event, and I used it to create a comprehensive strategy for building a new customer base from the Front Page real estate.
In just 2 days I had nearly 150 sales, and at least 100 more in the weeks that followed, as well as 1200 hearts, numerous features in other blogs and thousands of item hearts as well. I also had several awesome leads on the wholesale side and some inquiries regarding production-scale projects!
As I was preparing, I didn't have much in the forums that was of help. So I am posting these tips for others in the hopes that it might do them some good when they get the call:
* Focus as much as possible on offering Ready to Ship items and emphasize the immediate availability in your product descriptions and headlines. I believe I got more sales because customers knew that they could have it in hand sooner. If this means investing in supplies, then do it. It's your one chance to sell, sell, sell! As a result of this single strategy, I sent out 90% of all my 150 orders within 3 days AFTER the sale. By Monday of the following week, all of my orders were out the door and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine!
* Stock on up packaging, etc. and have it ready to go! I spent the better part of the weeks before my spot sticking OH label stickers on boxes, pre-prepping "Thank You" cards and getting my shipping system organized and figured out. It saved me loads of time I would have spent during the spot doing things that would have been frustrating and time consuming!
* Relist, relist, relist! If you can take the time to sit by the computer and manage sales as they happen, then I would recommend relisting as items are sold vs. listing multiples of the same item. The reason for this is that it keeps the items on your Front Page fresher; Etsy pulls directly from what has been recently posted to populate the images on the home page for the Featured Seller spot, so relisting helps keep the photos and items there fresh, which pulls in sales.
* Having items ready to ship made processing packages much easier. Unless it was a custom item like a ring or a personalized design, I would just pull the inventory (everything in my shop has an item number) and place it on the invoice. When I had 6 or 7 of them ready to go, I took a few minutes to box them, package them and create shipping labels for them.
* Focus on a solid breadth of price points. I created a category of "bling under $30" which got a lot of sales. In a bad economy, people are still looking for treats. I believe it helped tremendously with sales, as well as sales of multiple items.
* Snag the customer, then keep them for life. To keep customers coming back for more, each purchase from my Featured Seller spot received a special "Gift for You" coupon for 20% off their next purchase, either in my Etsy shop or on my Web site, http://www.originalhardware.com/. The strategy has worked well; so well that I continued to administer these coupons during the holidays as well, giving them an expiration date at the end of Feb. I hope this strategy will keep customers coming back at a traditionally slow period.
* Expect to Educate. There are a lot of newcomers to Etsy who see your shop on the Front Page and purchase something but really are confused by the buying process. I was prepared for this, and posted a "New to Etsy" link on my announcement section that helped newbies walk through the process. It didn't help everyone, which is why I say expect to help people through the purchasing process!
* Market yourself and your big achievement! Post your news on all of your available outlets; facebook, Twitter, etc. I sent the news to everyone I knew; including my wholesale customers as a way to generate even more buzz around the feature.
* If something bad can happen, it just might....My Featured Seller spot occurred when Etsy was "reorganizing" the way it counted page views. Craftcult was down for hours; and in addition I believe it jacked up Paypal as well for a few hours as well. I had 3 or 4 hours in which I had NO SALES during my Featured Seller slot because Paypal kept timing out. Expect that these things might happen and take folly in knowing that you prepared yourself with as many ready to ship items that could be sold quickly as possible.
* Have a blast. I know I did. It was the ride of my life. I can't wait to see what's next!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The final holiday push.....

And if there's a deal to be had, then all the better!
I am having sales at both of my virtual shops this week, so check it out!
At Original Hardware, get 20% off all necklaces and earrings through this Thursday, Dec. 17th. This Thursday is the cutoff for shipments to get there in time for Christmas! Enter promo code 'gift' at Checkout to receive your gift!
In my Etsy Shop, get 15% off and FREE First Class Mail Shipping through this Thursday! Use the promo code "original" in the messag to seller!
Happy Holidays to all of you. I look forward to a new year of blessings and joy, of challenges and change, of peace and strength. And I wish the same for each of you!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Fakers and G R A C E
Herman Melville
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season....I have had a busy couple of weeks, and in addition to all of the regular things I have on my checklist this time of year, I am also grappling with an internal struggle of how to handle it when other designers outright copy my work.
Since these designs come from my soul, I find it not only disheartening but a complete violation of who I am. These works are personal to me, and to find someone looking at a picture and trying to replicate my pieces exactly as I make them offends me greatly.
I should also note that ALL of my work and the content that is used to describe them is copyrighted. That means I could get a lawyer and send a nasty letter because what you are doing is not only immoral but illegal!
I can tell who it is because they leave an indellible mark everytime they visit my Etsy shop or my Web site. Their visits to both have increased exponentially the past few months--to the point where they show up as a top 10 visitor on both sites in Google Analytics!
I know that part of the artistic way is to borrow ideas and concepts from others. But where true artists are different is that they take those concepts and make them their own.
I have always found imposters to be a pet peeve. And when they are imposters on my own work, they are even more so! I wish I could call that person out, but perhaps when or if they ever come across this they will know who they are. But I bet--given that they find nothing wrong with taking others' artistic designs and claiming them as their own--that they won't recognize it is them I am writing about anyway.
And if you think I'm just throwing stones, think again. It's one thing to copy a circle or a component, and entirely another when you are copying something that is very specific to what I do. You say there are no original ideas? In your world, there must not be.
I have learned a lot about grace this year--to live with dignity and respect, and to expect it from others. It's not always an easy task, particularly as an artist. I work hard to create original work, from which I try to help feed my family and grow my business.
I am trying to rise about these latest events and not let them bother me. But they have, and this is why I am getting it off my chest here.
So hey, violating artist: if you read this post someday, reconsider your path. Make yours an authentic one. Make yours original. Make yours real.
Monday, November 30, 2009
A love like no other....

Four years ago, I quit my career to stay home with my little baby boy. It wasn't even a difficult decision. I was ready to stop the rat race and put myself into something that I felt really mattered. And when they put me in his arms after a difficult pregnancy, I was so relieved and soooo instantly bonded to him.
Godspeed, by the Dixie Chicks:
Dragon tales and the water is wide
Pirate’s sail and lost boys fly
And I love you
Sweet dreams, little man
God bless mommy and match box cars
God heard amen, wherever you are

Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Holidays Sale! 15% off All Designs through Monday, Nov. 30th!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Forest Fires and Gratitude....

Friday, November 20, 2009
--Sarah Ban Breathnach
I have read Sarah Ban Breathnach's books, in particular Simple Abundance, many times throughout my adult life. In her writings, she talks a lot about what it means for each of us to be authentic; to be our truest selves.
To me, this authenticity comes out in many ways. For artists, it manifests itself in the things we create from that authentic spirit. And when others try to take that authenticity in the form of art and call it their own, it is not just a violation of idea it is a violation of soul!
I think about this a great deal lately, for lots of reasons. I think about the way in which my work is my authentic soul made visible and how important it is to me on so many levels. I am grateful that I am capable of expressing my soul in ways that others just cannot; each of us has the power to express it, but not in the same way which makes us all different. It makes us who we are.
As I go into the next year, I will be concentrating on what it means to be my truest self once in light of the fact that my life is about to change once again.
My sense of self is about to go through another transformation. And transformations can be tough. They rock you to the core, and they take you to places you aren't sure your heart wants to go. But after all of that struggle comes peace in the heart. So when the bad stuff comes, I want to remember what I know to be true today and always:
* I am stronger than I think I am
* I am resilient and flexible
* I am a wonderful mom, friend and daughter.
* I want to do good by people, and I want them to do good by me.
* I expect great things to happen and I know that it is up to me to make them come true
* Shitty things happen to good people. It is what they do in those times that makes them even more true, more authentic
* My experiences have shaped who I am, and that makes me truly unique and special. It does not make me wrong, bad or inadequate.
* This too shall pass...
What makes you authentic? What are you doing in your life to nurture that authentic spirit? What are you doing in your life that is not authentic?
I find myself asking these questions everyday, and by asking them they have taken me to all kinds of places.
As we peel back the layers of our selves, we can see what is really there. To be authentic we must shed those things that we have borrowed along the way that no longer fit or never did. We must start anew, awash in the promise of a new day.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Too much thinking going on......
This morning, I went to the gym and tried to run from it. I ran so fast I thought that I would sweat it all out; then I went to lift class and worked so hard my muscles buckled...
But the thoughts are still there, so it must mean that I must sit here in the silence and figure out what to do with them.
A friend of mine gave me this quote book awhile back, and I find myself sitting in the sunshine of my studio thumbing through the pages. This quote is the one that will guide me today:

Monday, November 16, 2009
This is me today.....

I had a rockin' few days, and I'm reveling in my woman' power today.
In 4 days I have packaged and SHIPPED 100+ orders that came as a result of my Featured Seller spot on Etsy last week (thank you Etsy!); responded to several interesting wholesale inquiries AND finished my first catalog order EARLY.
I have finished 2 loads of laundry, made arrangements for my son's birthday party, went grocery shopping and made 3 meals that went into the freezer for later.
Now, I realize this isn't a typical week. But how often do you look back at what you've done and marvel at the accomplishment?! No, really marvel at it?
Most of the time, I just think it's all in a day's work. But lately I've come to realize that we women have an amazing ability to multitask and get a ton of shit done AND do it well.
I'm all for taking time to relax and not have anything on the proverbial plate. But when life throws you many balls at once, the only thing to do is juggle.
Friday, November 13, 2009
75 orders, lots of queries, some great opportunities....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Secret's out!
Thanks to all of you who have made my life so rich with blessings. And thanks to each and everyone of my customers for the love, encouragement and business they have given me over the years!
You can see the interview here: http://www.etsy.com/featured_seller.php!!!!
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sssshhhh.....Something Big is Coming!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Accidental Tapestry.....

Monday, November 2, 2009
The Color of a Colorado Sunset

--Frank Sinatra
I am fortunate enough to have a perch right outside my front door that is perfect for witnessing the most beautiful of sunsets.
I created these pieces when I was so inspired by the sunsets here in Colorado, and am just now getting around to posting them in my Etsy shop and at Original Hardware.

And yes, there are lots more designs on their way.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
In a black mood....
--Coco Chanel

Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A late week pick-me-up
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Week of Self-Portraits...

I am a rock and silver addict.
I have a big event coming up for Original Hardware and was asked to submit a photo as part of the promotional efforts. This is what I ended up submitting. Thought it would be a good blog entry on a particularly light week! :-)
I am tired this week, and I think it's because of the off-again, on-again cold weather here in Colorado.
Yesterday it was 80. Today it was cold and ready to rain/snow. Here, you go from wanting to barbecue and have an ice cold beer outside to making mashed potatoes and meatloaf within 24 hours!
Oh well, at least I have this photo! And with Photoshop, I learned how to take a few of the wrinkles out around my eyes. It's either that or plastic surgery........tee hee.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Calm before the storm.....

-- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
This is me this morning. Don't I look calm? I am feeling pretty calm, too, despite the fact that my list is long and I just burned through 3 hours with my son in preschool on a silly issue that (gratefully) turned out to be nothing.
This is me being calm. I will look at this photo, when, a week from now, I am NOT calm. To prevent myself from freaking out at all of my to do's, I typically create a list so that I can have some control over them and knock them down one at a time.
As you think of the hectic holiday season, think of me and this face. I am sure that I won't always look this calm, but the good stuff is coming up. And I just want to be calm enough to remember it and enjoy it.
Come January, I'll be so bored out of my mind I will miss the hectic pace!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Today I am Grateful for.....
* A cute little boy who still wants to cuddle sometimes with his mommy.
* The way the fog looks when it rolls in over the foothills and sticks just above the ground. It feels like a London winter!
* Twinkies.
* A couple of days of rest to focus on rejuvination. Tomorrow it's back to getting ready for holiday.
* Clarity.
* A Mexi Melt at Taco Bell. It's only 89 cents and I know it's crap, but boy is it good!
* A clean bathroom, preferably made clean by someone else.
* Getting organized for the chaos that is to come.
* Having the time to work out. It makes me feel strong.
* Being at peace despite the storm clouds that come into and out of your life.
* A much-awaited catalog order that finally came in. It's officially my first catalog order! And I know it won't be my last!
What are you grateful for today?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Post Trunk Show and Ominous Weather.....

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Trunk Show Prep--can I just go to sleep now?

6421 Phinney Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 905-6069
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
in jagged little trails.
today, like yesterday
is a new day.
today I wash
in the promise
of a new day--
washes over me
pours over me
slides down me
in jagged little trails.
I become someone new
someone better
someone stronger.
I let the rain
wash away
pour away
slide down,
down into
my soul.
I am born again
and again.
I am
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
In Honor of Coach and Little Robins....

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Posted on My Studio Wall.....
..for a long time it seemed to me that
life was about to begin--real life.
but there was always some obstacle
in the way, something to be gotten
through first, some unfinished
business, time still to be served,
a debt to be paid. at last it dawned
on me that these obstacles were my
life. this perspective has helped me
to see there is no way to happiness.
happiness is the way. so treasure
every moment you have and remember
that time waits for no one.
happiness is
a journey,
not a destination..............
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Rings, anyone?

Sunstones. Labradorite. Faceted smoky quartz. Sunny citrine.
Beeauuutiful stones that Mother Earth created from her bare hands, using time, temperature and a little squeezing! How could I not partake in her bounty? Just how could I forsake her?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Get 15% off ALL designs in my Etsy Shop Aug. 21-23!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009
Honey, I'm HOMMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Leaving on a Jet Plane....
I am anxious to see my mom and I know we'll have fun, but leaving behind a business and its momentum is very hard for me. I am having a hard time letting it go.
I will see you all on the other side, hopefully well rested and, no doubt, chomping at the bit to get working!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Just the Tip of the Iceberg....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Things I Know for Sure.....
It's been awhile since I've posted anything new, and that's because life has just been busy--which is all good.
Every night after my 3 1/2 year old son goes to bed (I've lost the afternoon nap, save for a few surprise rests here and there) I go to my studio and work like a busy little bee. The house is usually very quiet at that time of night, and my mind gets centered as creative ideas flow through me.
On my bench at the moment are scores of new designs for early fall. I am so excited about the way the work is looking at the moment, and I have so many new ideas I want to pursue after little boy fades into sleep....
During these quiet evenings of work, I have learned a few things about myself that I thought I would share. Oprah calls them "ah-ha" moments. I guess I would call them personal lessons.
While my list is long, here are 10 Things I know For Sure today:
#1. I am so blessed. I have my health, my family and a business that is poised for something great. But most of all, I have for the first time a positive frame of mind. From my mind flows positive thoughts about my work and life; and what I have seen flow back to me as a result is nothing short of a miracle.
#2 Coffee or Mountain Dew at 7 p.m. might sound like a good idea at 7 p.m., but not such a good idea at 2 a.m....
#3 Creating boundaries for yourself is one of the keys to happiness. Being able to say no--gently--when your radar goes up is just as important as saying yes to the important things.
#4 Nothing beats Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale in terms of retail therapy.
#5 See the good in others and they will see the good in you.
#6 There's always another way of looking at the same issue; be open to the way others see it.
#7 If you rule your life by fear, you will never reap the rewards of being truly open to the possibilities that present themselves to you everyday.
#8 There's no shame in having a good dermatologist on hand to fight Mother Nature's cold hands of aging. Call him often!
#9 On a bad day, nothing beats a slice of moist and delicious coconut cake with buttercream frosting.
#10 Have the courage to speak clearly and ask for what you truly want. You just might get it if you do....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Original Hardware Designs Featured in Seattle's Hip Zephyr
Seattle is one of my favorite cities, having hailed from the Pacific Northwest. I love its cool urban vibe and hippy mentality, which is why I'm so excited that my designs are now part of this fabulous place for all things cool!
Shop owner Dana Smith has assembled quite a collection of high-quality goodies, from jeans to, well, jewelry.
If you find yourself, with coffee cup in hand, walking the streets of Seattle, stop by and pay her a visit. And tell her Original Hardware sent you!
Hip Zephyr is located at 6421 Phinney Ave N Seattle, WA 98103. Store hours are 12-6 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday and 12-5 p.m. Sunday. Call the boutique at 206-905- 6069.
Thanks to Hip Zephyr for including Original Hardware designs in your lovely boutique!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Original Hardware Featured in Etsy Finds Weekend Deals!

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Original Hardware Designs Now Available at Lark & Key!

An intersect of art, design and craft Lark & Key, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, showcases the work of the two artists/owners as well as goods from other independent artists, artisans and designers from around the country.
Believing that great art and design should be accessible to all, they have created a warm and inviting space that offers a unique selection of artwork, pottery, jewelry, t-shirts, paper goods and more.
There is something for everyone - whether first time buyer or long-term collector, gift seeker or quality craft scavenger.
Lark & Key is located in NODA, Charlotte’s historic arts district, located 2 miles from uptown. The gallery is open Wednesday – Saturday from 11-6 and on Sundays from 12-4.
Stop by if you live in Charlotte or if you are just visiting. The gallery is just beautiful and the people who run it are, too!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Technology Overload!
In actuality, it is a lot of fun, and a great way to find new customers and others who appreciate the artists' way!
So, I now have a Facebook page! If you are a Facebook user, please stop by and visit my page and become a fan!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thank you!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Pop the Champagne!

"The biggest chance you take is not taking a chance at all...."
Today I heard from the catalog that I submitted designs to a few weeks ago and it was great news! Two of the 8 designs that I submitted have been accepted for their Spring 2010 catalog!
I am so excited about what this might bring to my business in 2010, and the doors that have opened as a result. The lesson here is not that it couldn't be done; the lesson is that a year ago, I would have resisted doing it for fear that they would never get accepted in the first place.
This self-sabotage kills opportunities! So I say to others who have thought twice about taking a chance, DO IT. What have you got to lose?
I don't know any of the details just yet, and have been asked to keep things quiet until I have contracts in hand, etc. All I know is that my order will come in sometime in October and I won't have to deliver until January. That helps me plan to get ready in advance for all of the things that happen in the last quarter so I am moving into 2010 on all cylinders.
This has given me the confidence to seek out other opportunities that even some of my best customers have urged me to pursue. I am here. I am alive. I am present. And I am willing to take a chance on the things that scare me because they are worth it in the end.....
I want to immediately jump in and get started, but today I am savoring this milestone. It is 90 degrees outside and I have cracked open a beer. And heck, I might even have two!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Remembering Dad
"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me."
Here it is--Father's Day. Every time this special holiday rolls around I find myself in a half-funk missing my Dad terribly. My father, Coach Duane Hartman, passed away at 60 of stomach cancer 7 years ago now.
As heartbreaking as losing him was, I had the priviledge of being at his bedside during the last weeks of his life. While it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do, those little moments in between morphine and illness were filled with love and grace. And acceptance of all that we cannot control in this life.
Every Father's Day since his passing (and really, everyday), I think about how much I miss him and how much he's missed in my life. I have a son now. My own business. I am stronger than I was back then. And I am much more resolute in living the last words that my father quietly whispered to me before going to the light: "Take care," he said to me. "Be Happy."
Dad, I am happy in so many ways, and I have you to thank for setting the example of how to live a positive, gratitude-filled life.
While I can't send you a card or host a barbeque in your honor or give you some tacky little gift anymore to show you just how much I appreciated your love, warmth and unconditional support, I can honor you by living up to your dying words. I can continue to live the words you left me with. I can continue to strive to be happy and take care of myself.
For those of you who have fathers still here on this planet, give them a hug and tell them thanks. They did their best, even when it may not have always produced the best outcome. They loved you in their own ways, even though sometimes that way was difficult to understand. They are proud of you, even if they never say or said it.
Today I'll be thinking of my father and thanking God that he was in my life for as long as he was, and even after all these years that he's been gone, I'll probably shed a tear for his leaving so early.
And I will raise my voice to the sky and say, Thanks Dad. You were the best Dad that I could have ever wished for. I miss you. Happy Father's Day.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Etching Show and Tell!

I can't decide which is my favorite, so maybe some of my followers can give me some feedback.
I'd love to hear from my customers about which styles and shapes they like best, as I'll be adding new etched pieces in the coming season, including a whole line of necklaces that are reversible.