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Original Hardware--Hip, Handcrafted Silver Jewelry Designs's Fan Box

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My favorite quote.....

"open your eyes

to the beauty around you.

open your mind

to the wonders of life,

open your heart

to those who love you,

and always be true to yourself."

-----donna davis

I have a picture of this quote on my "vision board," the place where I put all of the things that I want to be in my life. It inspires me to be creative, vulnerable, strong and confident, to BE WHO I AM.
For each of us, it is a choice we make every single day, isn't it?


  1. Hi Carrie!

    That is a beautiful quote. I needed to be uplifted this morning! I usually never get online before I go to work but I'm sitting here icing my leg after my run and thought I'd see what's new in the virtual world. Thanks for the inspiration! Cute picture, I like the angle. It's great that you have a vision board. I've been trying to pull together my version, an 'ispiration' board for quite some time. I've been collecting quotes etc for it. It'll happen! Have a great day =)

  2. Thanks Janell!
    I hope your leg is ok. Not fun to get injured--I had to sit out of spin class for two weeks awhile back cuz I tweaked my back. I'm gettin' old!
    Have a great weekend!
